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Summatr Профиль Статус: некто Группа: Администраторы ![]() | |
Summatr Профиль Статус: некто Группа: Администраторы ![]() |
Alastair Hearsum не может успокоится :-))))) Хотя майю тоже начал копать
Folks We had a chat with a senior chap at Autodesk. There was hint of surprise at one use of ICE that I mentioned in passing. I think we over estimate the understanding of what ICE gets used for and its all pervading usefulness. I'd like to invite people to share their ice work especially if its more obscure (without giving away your trade secrets obviously). Here are some starters for us. Please keep the explanations as short as possible to attract Autodesk to read them. http://www.glassworks.co.uk/video/love 1) Fine feathers created totally with ice strands 2) Feather system created in ice 3) Cats fur : ice strands http://www.glassworks.co.uk/video/tadpoles-master 1) Totally ice strand vegetation 2) Ice driven water surface 3) Render tadpoles have ice compound which auomatically detects the shot number and selects the correct cache http://www.glassworks.co.uk/node/3266&sear...and&term=g-star 1) Ice creating the cotton balls unravelling http://www.glassworks.co.uk/node/549 1) Ice crowd http://www.glassworks.co.uk/video/transfor...e=brand&term=lg 1) Object IDs picked up in ice and use to assign materials of supermarket aisle items https://vimeo.com/87096859 Some holes aesthetically 1) ice rigid body pens transferring their attributes to lagoa ice fluid melted pens 2)Ice fracturing bottle http://www.glassworks.co.uk/video/strewth&...pe=brand&term=o 1) Intervened in Momentum ice plugin to extract vectors and modulate them http://www.glassworks.co.uk/video/excess-b...nd&term=benylin 1) Hair created from scratch in ice strands including clumping http://www.glassworks.co.uk/video/summer-s...d&term=freeview 1) Ice rigid bodies combine with ice syflex and custom hand cooked verlet for the strings And many many more. |
Summatr Профиль Статус: некто Группа: Администраторы ![]() |
[16:21:08] Max Evgrafov: привет. что за Jit
[16:21:23] Y: Hi! [16:21:46] Max Evgrafov: почему то разрабы в ответ на вопросы про айс в майе не говорят ничего про джит [16:22:33] Y: JIT - это Just In Time, аналог гудиньского VEX. То есть "визуальное программирование" нодами. Фишка в том, что нодами собирается нетворк, и на ходу же получается рабочий код. Поэтому так и называется. [16:23:09] Y: Это бАльшой секрет пока ;) Полагаю, что они не уверены на 100%, что включат в релиз. [16:24:05] Max Evgrafov: ну хотя бы сказали что встаят в ближайшее время. а то вообще ничего не говорят про это [16:24:31] Y: Я ж говорю - пока молчание из-за секретности. [16:25:30] Max Evgrafov: ну все равно мне кажется что гудини не переплюнуть. нах этот айс с джитом вместе взятые [16:25:53] Y: essno [16:26:16] Y: В Гуде это - основа, можно сказать. А в майке - прикрученный блок. |
Nevajno Профиль Статус: ГигаВатт Группа: Артисты Рейтинг: 0 ![]() |
Интересно, спасибо.
Summatr Профиль Статус: некто Группа: Администраторы ![]() |
I suppose it's time I chime in to this thread, and this discussion board.
I work at Autodesk as the Product Designer for Bifrost (among other FX-related components in Maya), working with Marcus Nordenstam. I'm not entirely sure where to start, as there's a ton of activity surrounding the introduction of Bifrost in Maya 2015 and the EOL of Softimage. I've been lurking on this board for a couple of weeks, so I'm only familiar with the discussions (and rants) that have happened since then. Let's start here: because Bifrost is a new and complex framework we're designing from the ground-up, we're releasing it in stages. We've been referring to these as the 'generalist', 'FX TD' and 'developer' releases. Maya 2015 is essentially the 'generalist' release, meaning it will be most useful for people who do not need to gain access to the underlying graph and can live with a fairly simplified workflow to get liquid FX jobs done. This doesn't mean that other users shouldn't try it out, just that they may feel blocked by the current limitations. But note, this will not be, in any way, an equivalent to ICE. The next release, the 'FX TD' release, will expose the procedural graph and allow much more control over the solvers and order of operation, just what you would expect in an ICE-like procedural workflow. The difference here (and this is where Marcus can chime in), is that we're designing Bifrost to be a visual programming language, where you will be able to dive down into any compound to reveal the basic programmatic or mathematical nodes that drive higher-level functionality. This is very much like ICE. Here's the difference, however: these graphs are JIT-compiled for efficiency, then run as virtual executables by the Bifrost Computation Engine. More on that in another thread. The third (and by no means final) release we call the 'developer' release, where you'll be able to write your own custom C++ nodes and utilize the full Bifrost API (C++ and possibly Python). You can then insert these nodes into your graph, call them as rendertime procedurals or whatever. So are we simply tacking on a half-baked feature onto Maya? Absolutely not. Are we going to stop Bifrost development after Maya 2015? No way, there's SO much stuff we're working on, but there's obviously only so many people we can put on the team, even for a huge company like Autodesk. And I know this sounds like a cliche, but we're really trying to do things right in designing a future-proof framework. We spent a lot of time figuring out how to decouple Bifrost from Maya; to pass data between the two processes and not have Bifrost dependent on Maya, but rather Maya be a client to Bifrost. This means that we'll eventually be able to run Bifrost as a standalone app, on the cloud, on a farm, on your gaming system, iPad, Atari 2600, etc. If you feel this first release of Bifrost to be limited in functionality, consider that we had to postpone development on certain features in order to deliver a solid usable, basic (if simplified) initial workflow. We'd have much rather done this than pushed an unfinished solution through the pipe to increase the number of bullet points on the "back of the box". We're just laying the foundation at this point. Mist, foam and spray are some things you may have heard that are indeed missing from Bifrost in Maya 2015. We had to choose between developing that or focusing on things like threading, furthering development on the FLIP solver or memory management, all of which take precedence over furthering the implementation of Bifrost particles. We've also had the opportunity to design the Bifrost codebase from the ground-up, utilizing modern libraries that Maya or Softimage would otherwise not have access to. This is why everything is so well threaded in Bifrost. I have to shamelessly disclose that I have a dual-CPU machine with 32 cores, and to see (and hear) them all humming at 100% is a marvelous thing. That, and Maya is still interactive and fluid whilst computation takes place in the background. This is totally new for Maya, but I know a other apps can do this. So, is Bifrost ready to take the place of Softimage ICE? No, not yet. In Maya 2015, Bifrost is a procedural FX framework with a FLIP liquid solver, based on the technology seen in Naiad. But as time goes by, Bifrost can be involved in more and more components of Maya, and give users access to graphs for anything they do in Maya, not unlike how ICE works. As you can guess, it sounds like a hell of a lot of work, and would involve all areas of design and development. The next step is opening the graph, which means we have to improve the Node Editor and devise new workflows to deal with, for example, compounds and ports. Who's on the Bifrost development team? I probably shouldn't name names, but there's one of the original authors of the FLIP solver (Bridson), liquid sim supergenius (Nielsen), some of the original devs of ICE (you know who you are) and old-skool Maya devs, including Duncan Brindsmead. And of course, Marcus, who is the Product Manager for Bifrost, and is unique in the PD realm in that he is, himself, a developer and FX TD. Note that Marcus is blissfully ignorant of how things happen (or more importantly, are supposed to happen) in Maya, so the ideas and constructs we're planning and designing are not limited to existing technology in the Maya codebase. He's very proud of this fact. Maybe he's the first software-agnostic Product Manager that Maya has ever had. I have lots more to say about all this, but I'm surprised anyone's got this far. I'll end it here for now. I'm happy to answer any questions or comments you may have. I fully disclose that I have never used Softimage in production throughout my 19-year career in VFX and film (except for a few short projects at ILM in 1998), so I defer to you guys to lead the discussions in a constructive, professional manner. |
uncle_Bazil Профиль Статус: Пахан Группа: Артисты Рейтинг: 0 ![]() |
вот это поворот :scratch: уже уходишь? и даже чаю не попьёшь? :sad1: |
Summatr Профиль Статус: некто Группа: Администраторы ![]() |
Да не. В кси продолжаю работать и в ближайшем обозримом будущем никуда не подорвусь. Посмотрю еще фабрик енжин.
Меня всегда интересовала гудини, а тут автодеск поднасрал. Вот я и решил что надо освоить гудини. Кроме того в гудини VOP VEX частный случай процедурности. есть несколько контекстов VOP(аналог айс три) CHOP DOP SOP и так далее. И все они процедурные и дружат между собой. А такая процедурность открывает широкие возможности. |
roman78 Профиль Статус: слон Группа: Заслуженные артисты Рейтинг: 2 ![]() |
угу, купить разработку, встроить ее и потом заявить как разрабатывали from the ground-up...
Nevajno Профиль Статус: ГигаВатт Группа: Артисты Рейтинг: 0 ![]() |
Summatr, спасибо! Много полезной информации.
Если в команде участвует Дункан (создатель Нуклеус), тогда есть серьезные основания, что и вся остальная динамика будет нодовой. |
Summatr Профиль Статус: некто Группа: Администраторы ![]() | |
roman78 Профиль Статус: слон Группа: Заслуженные артисты Рейтинг: 2 ![]() |
Summatr, у гудини есть магазин ассетов, включая фришные варианты http://www.orbolt.com/search/?q=tags:character
Sshadows Профиль Статус: to Dublin, сюда блин Группа: Элита Рейтинг: 17 ![]() |
Нет там никакой архитектуры. Есть в Кси, есть в Гудини, даже в Блендере есть подобие архитектуры. Но ни в Майке, ни в максе ее нет. |
12sunflowers Профиль Статус: Октябренок Группа: Артисты Рейтинг: 0 ![]() |
Если смотреть с точки зрения анимации, процедурности, нодовости то да, можно задумываться о Мае, Гудини. Но давайте посмотрим еще с точки зрения моделинга. Ни Мая, ни Гудини не дает таких инструментов, скорости моделинга, мега быстрого вьюпорта как КСИ. Да простит меня В.Булгаров, он до сих пор сидит на КСИ 2011 и пока не собирается ни куда мигрировать(с).
AHTOH_S Профиль Статус: oXSIbuterat Группа: Артисты Рейтинг: 2 ![]() |
+8 ребят можно понять , нужно рассуждать в перспективе . так то и маей не нужно брезговать если для эфикса но если цели моделинг , то на горизонте нет конкурентов кси и Булгарову не за что на тебя обижаться ) в кси модель просто ощющаеш руками |
Summatr Профиль Статус: некто Группа: Администраторы ![]() |
Hey guys,
I thought it might help if I post that here : Blur Studio is looking for an experienced Rigger with knowledge of Softimage rigging tools including; joint and skeleton creation, skinning and weighting, IK setup, blend-shapes and deformers. Qualified candidates should have a solid understanding of anatomy and articulation of realistic humans and creatures. Experience with Python is strongly recommended. Basic modeling skills as well as a good understanding of polygonal mesh flow and traditional animation principles is a bonus. Please submit reel, resume and salary requirement to jobs@blur.com I'll be the one reviewing the applications and I'd like to add that I'll be paying attention to the quality of the deformations. Lot's of high quality production work to do. Knowledge of python/softimage sdk is definitely a plus (I could use help to develop tools here !) Also, I know it's sad but we might not be able to get a visa (No H1B left for this year), so we will probably consider American or people with a US work visa first. But you can still apply anyway. thanks, :victory0: |
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